“My session with Brandie was truly refreshing. She has an amazing gift and I’m so grateful she chooses to share this gift with others. Brandie’s readings during my session were accurate and presented to me in a professional manner. I will definitely be scheduling more visits with Brandie, and I’m so glad I found her!”
— Debbie (Oklahoma)
“Brandie has an amazing God given gift that was insightful and helpful to me along my journey. She was kind, nonjudgemental, and clearly intuitive. I absolutely recommend her.”
— Julie (Maryland)
“Brandie is phenomenal! Her ability to accurately describe my loved ones was incredible. She depicted their personalities, shared sacred memories only I would have known, and even conveyed minute details like their mannerisms. Also, her spiritual assessment was spot on. She knew exactly where I was spiritually, and gave me direction towards progressing on my journey. I was so grateful that she shared her beautiful gift with me!”
— Jade (Oklahoma)
“I have loved developing with Brandie in other courses and in circle, but this course really helped me gain confidence in private sessions. I felt reassured that Brandie would review the sessions and provide feedback and pointers, but I also felt empowered to complete the readings independently. Brandie wasn’t in the room to save me if I experienced obstacles. It forced me to dig deeper with Spirit communication, which has absolutely benefited me as a Medium. The course requires self discipline and commitment to the work, and you will get out of it what you put into it. ”
— Erin (Student of Embracing Your Mediumship)
“Brandie’s mediumship development class has been a very rewarding experience for me. Brandie provides a structured approach along with valuable information and important practice opportunities. This class has been very helpful in clarifying the process and providing structure for development. I feel my abilities have improved as a result and it has been wonderful connecting with others who are pursuing this study.”
— Mary (Student of Embracing Your Mediumship)
“This course really opened me up to a lot of new information, and new ways of doing things. Brandie is an excellent lecturer. Taking from her experience as a Medium, she teaches the fundamentals in a way that is easy to comprehend and absorb.
In her course, Brandie teaches you how to open yourself up to Spirit, how to use that connection, and the ethics involved in the application of her methods. I personally learned what it truly means to contact people’s loved ones, and the responsibility that comes with it. I will continue to practice the techniques I learned in Brandie’s class. As I grow and evolve with skill. I recommend this course for anyone truly inquisitive about their mediumship capabilities!”