Making The Best Of Your Session


It is happening. You have taken that leap and are sitting in your car waiting for your appointment time with a Psychic Medium. Will they be accurate? Will they even be able to “read” you? What if they suck? What if they say something you DON’T want to hear? 

Friend, although I am a Psychic Medium, I have TOTALLY been in this spot. Believe it or not, I’ve purchased sessions too. (Cause even Mediums have Mediums.) 

It is a vulnerable place to be. You are mourning. You are nervous. You most likely have never done this before and if you have you still don’t feel totally prepared because every Medium is different, right? I’ve got your back! Let me help you navigate this. Here are some tips to help you, help make the most out of your session.

  1. Come with an open mind and an open heart: You have most likely booked a session with a Medium because you have lost someone significant in your life. You WANT to talk to this person. Odds are you have expectations of your Medium bringing THAT EXACT person through. Something you should know: Most Mediums (if not all) have NO control over which loved one comes through for you. We want to provide the most outstanding connection to Spirit for you and in order to do so, that means letting Spirit do their thing. So, how does a Medium do that? We have to completely jump the “Logical Mind” ship. No life raft, no LifeSaver ring, we don’t even get floaties. If we stay in our logical minds we fail to expand our awareness enough to blend with the Spirit World and connect to your people. If we go in trying to connect with just that one person, we are already too much into our logical minds. This leads me to the next point of coming with an open mind and heart. Sometimes who you WANT to hear from is not who you are MEANT to hear from. What?!? Yes!!! From my training, self study and personal understanding, Spirit does what they do (all the communication) with purpose. That purpose is to provide as much love and healing as possible during your session. They know more than you do, more than I do, who it is on the other side that can provide that for you. That is why, the Medium has little to no control over which one of your loved ones makes contact. This is where you have to TRUST the decision you made to pick the Medium you did AND trust that the Spirit World knows deeply what you are in need of. 

  2. Receive your Loved One(s): There is nothing more painful for everyone involved than someone who sits there with their arms crossed and closed off from the experience. Your Medium will most likely tell you how they work (I like to receive limited information and use the “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know” format that I learned from my English Medium Tutors) and one thing they will tell you is that they need a certain level of interaction from you. That being said, your LOVED ONE’S are working hard to connect with you. It takes A LOT of energy for them to “dance” in communication with your Medium. Please, OWN YOUR LOVED ONES. If your Medium says, “Does that make sense” or “Do you understand”, honestly, lovingly use your voice and let them know. The WORST thing you can do is walk in with the intention to prove that mediumship isn’t real or that your Medium isn’t real. Allow space for the work to take place and THEN come to your conclusions. It is MORE than normal to be skeptical, it is counterintuitive to your session to be a cynic. 

  3. Research Your Medium: I CAN’T stress this enough! NOT EVERY MEDIUM IS ETHICAL and it PAINS me to have to write that. As sad as that is, it is true. Google, Facebook and word of mouth are GREAT tools for understanding who your medium is, if you vibe with them, what their accuracy is like, and if they are ethical.  

  4. It doesn’t ALWAYS work: If Mediumship always worked for everyone, I would question it. The fact that it doesn’t, proves to me, that there are other factors at play. There have been times, although small in number, in which I have had to reschedule a client or ultimately refund them. Sometimes, it just happens. I believe that if it happens it is either because the timing isn’t right, you aren’t mentally/emotionally ready to hear what is going to come through, or perhaps I’m just not the right fit. Whatever the reason is, there is a small percentage of clients that experience this. (I would say 1-2/year). Something to remember is that if it does happen it doesn’t mean that your loved ones don’t love you. It means that a factor needs to change. My “go to” is always to reschedule the client for a later date, then if that doesn’t work, I help them find another ethical and respectful Medium and refund them. 

I truly hope this helps you make the best of your experience with your session. (With me or with someone else). I hope that you enjoy it, feel all the good things, and know that love doesn’t die, it merely transforms. 


A Letter To The Student Starting Out


Why "Life Experience" is MORE than valid in Mediumship